Is It Better Like This? Or Like This?

A few days ago I created this new blog space. 

I’d been wanting to change up my blog, the one I’ve been using for 4 or 5 years, and no theme was grabbing my attention.  Well, a couple WP themes interested me, but I’m not spending money on a new blog theme.  

Abbie hated the idea of me changing blogs, which I find funny.  It’s a blog.  It’s not like I’m  moving to Arizona.

Then a good friend of mine commented that she thought pictures look better on WordPress than on Blogspot.  She also assured me she’d still read my blog if I switched.  So, that got me thinking.  I’ll put the same post on both blogs and see if anyone can tell the difference  in the photos. 

I haven’t gotten my camera out since Sheila’s wedding, but I have been working on older photos, from 2008, from before I knew how to use photoshop.  I had also never saved these pictures to flickr, so while I’ve been laid up with an injured back (aren’t you impressed I haven’t whined about that?) I’ve been editing and uploading.  I found some old faves of mine that I’ve shared before, but S.O.O.C. 

This was one night in October, 4 years ago.  I was coming home from a meeting, up over Alabama Hill and saw the moon coming up over the lake.


See the lights of the boat in the water?

Nice hazy moon.

The boat again.

A little foreground action…

A few cemetery shots:





These leaves remind me of jack-o-lanterns!




I realized going through these photos that I used to take my camera everywhere I went, and planned long outings by myself to just practice taking pictures.
I’ve gotten out of that habit.
But I’m inspired to get back in that habit!

To compare how these pictures look on the other blog, CLICK HERE.

2 thoughts on “Is It Better Like This? Or Like This?

  1. They are much larger in the other blog, so that could be the reason why, but they seem more pixelated in the other blog. They are more crisp on this one. But they are much larger over on that one.

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